Monday, December 29, 2008

rockie horoscope

Traditionally, it s said that the best horoscope love match is between men and women born in the same element. Most people are introduced to Astrology through reading it in newspapers and magazines.

Short term advancements are positive, but it is crucial that you create a system of long term goals, this will allow you to have more choices and freedom in the future. Your co workers will be trying everything they can to keep up with you and they actual be more productive because of your attitude. This all goes back to Greek Mythology, as the Greek Gods all ruled different planets.

The symbols are universally recognized as masculine and feminine, so this relationship is a good balance of these energies. Their desire to be liked can make it hard for them to make decisions and too willing to compromise. Gemini makes good matches in relationships with Virgo, Libra and Sagittarius.

You made need to realize that when you let others tell you what to do and why and then try to reclaim that part or yourself. You see the broader picture now and are able to be incisive in your communications.

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