Sunday, July 6, 2008

daily horoscope da

Maybe you call the horoscope hotline on occasion to find out what a reader has to say about your future. All you have to do is open your front door, pick up the daily newspaper, open it up to the leisure section and there you will find your daily horoscope.

Aries people have very strong personalities and are usually natural born leaders. There is a possibility of punishment, fear and sorrow due to state displeasure. This harmonious chemistry is the basis for love and romance.

They also tell us a lot about a person's character and what they're interests are. Both Saturn and the Moon s nodes are hands of fate and might indicate that the couple have a relationship that goes back to former lives and that they now take onto a new level. Taureans and Capricorns go best with a Virgo.

Although these are hard to put into words, you may be able to interpret the meaning when you see it. As we transform our fears we can then emerge as powerful bearers of light.

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